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 Music Video

Clean away covid

Double Entendre Pictures - Charlotte North Carolina Video Production Company - Transformation Augusta Thumbnail.jpg

Clean away covid | Official Music Video

“What is a COVID compliance officer anyway?”

When we got the call to join the team tasked with bringing important life saving tips to the masses, we jumped at the chance. This was a massive project with a lot of moving pieces that required endless research and development in the pre-production process to be sure we had the science right and were communicating the best and most accurate information to the people. Lives were at stake.

Lourdes Pogue of C Five Communications and Larry Spada, The Brand is Everything created the backbone of compiling all the information and science available to us as we all struggled to understand this new virus.

As they sent researched information to us regarding how best to combat this virus in our homes, we wrote and produced a song meant to be fun and catchy enough to get people’s attention while also delivering life-saving information.

Along with the music video, we produced several short, shareable informational spots that dig deeper into the science and best practices, from how to clean away the virus to what to do if COVID is in your home.

Production on this project was unique. Working under new restrictions and safety protocols was a challenge. What is a COVID compliance officer anyway? But with our extra safety measures of wearing masks, social distancing and frequent disinfecting of high-touch areas, we produced this project with the upmost safety.


Production Team

ASPHN Project Management:
Karen Probert, Kyle Unland
Michael Hatcher MD, Mark Miller MD

Agency Partner:
Lourdes Pogue, C Five Communications
Creative Strategy:
Larry Spada, The Brand Is Everything
Production Company: Double Entendre Pictures
Michael Crissinger
PC, Covid Compliance: Chelsea Gorlaski
Lauren Bickerstaff
AC: David Tolentino
Script Supervisor:
Blake Edwards
Gaffer: Steve Lang
Key Grip: Eric Jones
Stills: Forrest Clonts
Props: Goldmine
Renee Goodwin
Wardrobe: Lile Sizemore
BTS: Jonathan Elyea
PA: Hannah Whittington

VFX: Peter Godshall
Motion GFX:
Ronald Rabideau
Color Grade:
David Tolentino
Audio Mix: Ryan Monette
Edit: Michael Crissinger

Music: Aaron Robertson
Lyrics: Michael Crissinger

From writing lyrics and music for the Clean Away COVID campaign theme song, to assembling a team of talent that included actors and dancers, a choreographer, hair and make-up and wardrobe experts - even a COVID-19 Compliance Officer. No detail was left to chance.
— Lourdes Pogue, C Five Communications

The Process

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In pre-production, we considered many location options that would meet our needs for this project. With the presence of COVID-19 and at the time there being many things yet unknown about the virus, we considered building a set in a studio where we could easily keep our crew safely distanced.

It became quickly apparent however that a physical real estate location would best serve our needs in the variety of shooting locations as well as keeping within budget. We found a beautiful home in Charlotte owned by architects who had personally designed and built the home.

The location was spacious enough to allow for crew and client safety while also providing some unique set ups - a beautiful kitchen that served as our main backdrop, as well as many other rooms and nooks and crannies!

production team

We may be biased, but Charlotte has some of the best and most professional commercial production crew in the business!

First, we had to have a catchy tune for the music video, with the lyrics and basic rhythm written by Michael Crissinger, we teamed up with long time collaborator and music producer Aaron Robertson to help make our beats into a reality.

But what’s a music video without dancing? We teamed up with Lauren Bickerstaff to choreograph unique moves for our song and along with her dancers, she did an incredible job. They really made us want to Scrub, Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

For many of us, this was our first time back on set in any meaningful way since everything shut down in March 2020. But everyone was eager to get back to work and to do it in a way that kept each other safe and healthy.

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As you can imagine, for a project that involves a virus causing a world pandemic, it was crucial to have the science right so we could be sure we were communicating the correct information to the masses.

Lourdes Pogue and Larry Spada led this charge, along with a whole team of doctors and professionals in the medical field who helped guide the process.

One unique challenge to this production was sourcing all the possible cleaning supplies that we would be able to film on camera - at a time when supplies were in short supply! Larry made this a primary objective and really proved that you can find success with diligent effort.

Be sure to check out the behind the scenes video below to watch it all come together!

Behind the Scenes

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